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Night Infusion

A Permacultural Ecosystem, a Permanagement Experience

This garden bed was created by MiM specialization "Digital Transformation: Understand, Contribute, Manage" students with the support of Natwork (founded by two EMBA alumni).Through this project, the students experimented with permaculture, discovered permanagement (a concept created by Natwork), and explored the application of these concepts to digital transformation.


In this gardenbed are gathered plants that appreciate a medium sunshine and a relatively high humidity. Its position next to the stairs allows it to take advantage of the rains in an ideal way. In order to optimize the harvests, are gathered medicinal plants favourable to the sleep and the digestion.

P1 - Paris Campus Experience MIM Digital Transformation Understand, Contribute, Manage Pro
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Permaculture is a systemic framework and scientific approach taking the #nature as a model.​


It aims to create and #protect #ecosystems

in order to develop #resilience and #regeneration.


Permaculture is a holistic approach based on 3 Core Ethics (the purpose) and 12 Design Principles (the guidelines).


Permanagement is a managerial framework aiming to support organizational and cultural changes.


It aims to foster #sustainability, #resilience, #well-being and #innovation of any types of groups and organizations.


It is based on 3 Ethics and 12 Management Principles translated from Permaculture and applied to business and people management. To know more about Permanagement, click here.


For this first workshop ( some other are coming ;-) ) the students worked on the following principles:

  • Permanagement Principle -" Understand your (work) Ecosystem" / Permaculture Principle - "Observe and Interact"

  • Permanagement Principle - "Include & Think Collectively" / Permaculture Principle - "Integrate rather than Segregate"


A session with Natwork is composed of a situational Permanagement workshop with team exercices and then a Permaculture workshop (with gloves and boots) functioning  as a proof of concept (through the observation/creation of the nature and ecosystems)

As well, The creation of the garden bed are a metaphor and a symbol of the student transformational journey.



This pedagogical project is conducted as part of the course "Of Machines and Men: Grounding Digital Transformation in our Complex World"

(part of the MiM specialization "Digital Transformation: Understand, Contribute, Manage").

This course aims at connecting Digital transformation with other fields and challenges (such as the ecological transition, inclusion/diversity, innovation management...). It also aims at analyzing Digital Transformation through new perspectives on management. 


During this pedagogical project, the students explore the links between Digital Transformation and Permanagement. 


Pedagogical project contact: Dr Yannick Meiller -

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- Plants can grow everywhere, even at the ESCP campus

- Permaculture is fun 

- You have to observe, understand and analyze many factors before a team can work perfectly together (just like plants!) 

- Inclusion implies diversity and collaboration, which is not all the time implied by integration

- If you read this, please water the plants :)


Raphael Bion, Anshuman Mishra, Phani Pujitha, Fabiola Falzone, Sarah Sanders, Vittoria Fastelli, Emanuel Klotz & Enzo Falco


Plant Associations &


  • Fennel :
    The plant hinders the growth of other plants, so it is preferable to plant it with plants that have an invasive character in order to regulate their growth

  • Mint:
    The plant is generally invasive. Also, its development will be regulated by the presence of fennel and also lemon balm. Rich in nectar, it attracts pollinating insects.

  • Lemon balm :
    The plant improves the structure of the soil and allows a good nutrition for the plants which surround it. The scent of its foliage repels flies and mosquitoes.

The Olas

The most optimal irrigation solution available:

a terra cotta container designed to be inserted into the soil. When filled with water, its porous sides let water flow out slowly, thus keeping the soil nearby moist.


There is no risk of excess or lack of water, provided that you make sure that it remains full of water.  This solution allows to optimize this energy: it allows to make up to 70% of water saving compared to a classic watering.


If The Olas in front of you are empty, PLEASE FILL THEM! (Never put water directly on the plant or in the soil)



the garden


  • Made in French Douglas Imputricide

  • Recycled pallet wood


the layers

P1 - Paris Campus Experience MIM Digital Transformation Understand, Contribute, Manage Pro
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